Need Hong Kong Dollar?

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Today’s HKD online Exchange Rate:

1 AUD =   5.0951   HKD

Buy HKD Online

Buy Hong Kong Dollar

Currency Information

Currency: Hong Kong Dollar
Currency code: HKD
Currency symbol: $
Bank notes: $10, $20, $50, $50, $100, $500, $1000
Coins: 10c, 20c, 50c, $1, $2, $5, $10

Daily Cost

Three-course meal for 2, mid-range restaurant 400 Dollar
Tourist t-shirt 8 Dollar
Bottle of water 10 Dollar

Some tips to be ready!

1. Get a prepaid Octopus Card for travelling and expenditure! Convenient, stress-free and reliable, an Octopus Card is basically a prepaid debit card that can be used to pay for public transport as well as convenience stores, shopping or fast-food. It makes getting around Hong Kong even easier than it already is!

2. Prepare for all types of weather. Hong Kong is extremely humid and warm most of the time, but a torrential downpour is possible in seconds, especially during the rainy season. Always be prepared for this, ensuring that an umbrella or raincoat is readily available when needed, and your day will go wonderfully!

3. Avoid tourist traps and eat at local markets. Like most Southern Asian countries, it is very easy to fall back to places and foods that are reminiscent of those at home. However, they prevent you from experiencing the true culture of the country you are in. Go where the locals go, and not only will you find incredibly cheap prices but also a significantly more flavoursome and genuine experience of Hong Kong cuisine!

4. Get into a taxi before telling them where you want to go. Although taxi rides in Hong Kong are absurdly inexpensive, most drivers are especially picky about whether or not they want your business. If you ask them to drive you to the other side of the city, there’s a good chance they will simply decline the offer. To prevent this, grab a seat in the back before letting them know where you are planning to go!

5. Learn some basic cantonese phrases before you go. Although Mandarin and English are widely spoken in Hong Kong, it is extremely advantageous to learn some basic cantonese phrases. Not only will it help you communicate with people better, the locals will love you for trying!