Need New Zealand Dollar?

Buy New Zealand Dollar online with the best rates.
Today’s NZD online Exchange Rate:

1 AUD =   1.0880   NZD

Buy NZD Online

Buy New Zealand Dollar

Currency Information

Currency: New Zealand Dollar
Currency code: NZD
Currency symbol: $
Bank notes: $5, $10, $20, $50, $100
Coins: 10 cents, 20 cents, 50 cents, $1, $2

Daily Cost

Three-course meal for 2, mid-range restaurant 90 Dollar
One-way ticket for local transport 3.5 Dollar
Bottle of water 2.7 Dollar

Some tips to be ready!

1. Book your accommodation well in advance. Being one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations whilst also having one of the world’s smallest populations, a shortage of accommodation is inevitable. So always book in advance to ensure that you will have an affordable and guaranteed place to spend your nights in.

2. Plan for all weather conditions regardless of the season. Weather in New Zealand can vary greatly between each day, so make sure you pack a variety of clothing to prepare for unexpected conditions.

3. Wi-Fi is especially limited in New Zealand. Having one of the smallest population densities in the world, it gets exceedingly difficult to stay connected to the internet as you get further and further away from the cities. It is highly recommended that you download as much information as you can to avoid the lack of readily available Wi-Fi. But with the incredible wilderness of New Zealand at your doorstep, the internet would be the last of your concerns!

4. Consider travelling to New Zealand during spring or fall to take advantage of incredible weather whilst also avoiding the extreme crowds of summer. Although summer is the most popular time of the year to visit New Zealand, the crowds and the prices will be noticeably smaller if you travel during a quieter time.

5. Bring a mixture of New Zealand dollars in both cash and on a travel card. This ensures that even if something goes wrong and you happen to lose your cash or travel card, you will still have the funds necessary to continue your holiday. Not to mention that New Zealand, like Australia, can readily take either form of payment