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Buy Swiss Franc

Currency Information

Currency: Swiss Franc
Currency code: CHF
Currency symbol: CHF
Bank notes: 10 FR, 20 FR, 50 FR, 100 FR, 200 FR, 1000 FR
Coins: 5 centimes, 10 centimes, 20 centimes, 50 centimes, 1 FR, 2 FR, 5 FR

Daily Cost

Three-course meal for 2, mid-range restaurant 100 Franc
One-way ticket for local transport 3.2 Franc
Bottle of water 3.35 Franc

Some tips to be ready!

1. Be prepared to spend a lot of money! Switzerland is ranked as one of the most expensive countries in the world to both live and travel in. Ensure you bring a lot of extra money with you and consider a travel card before you go.

2. Consider investing in a Swiss Travel Pass. The pass will make a lot of public transport free for you to use as well as reduce the ticket prices of certain cable cars or trains to sometimes 50% off. If you are planning to explore a lot of Switzerland, the pass will not only save you money, but also save you time and convenience!

3. Carry your passport everywhere you go. It is a legal requirement of Switzerland to always have photo ID on you at all times. Police, ticket officers and hotel staff all have the right to ask for your ID to prove that you are a legal migrant.

4. Do not waste money on bottled water. Switzerland has some of the cleanest and safest tap water on the planet, so there is no need to purchase bottled water. Tourists can even drink straight from a lake with no negative effects!

5. Buy from local stores and markets. Switzerland is quite an expensive country as it is. Do not hurt your wallet even more by falling into the tourist traps of purchasing overpriced chocolates, watches or souvenirs. Go where the locals go and you will be able to get things for half the price!

6. Be conscious of what language is spoken where. Switzerland has four national languages which are spoken in different regions of the country including German, Italian, French and Romansh so remember to greet locals accordingly. In saying that, most Swiss people can speak a fair quantity of English and German.